Raising Twins
This book is for you if you're a twin, if you know a twin, or even if you just care about parenting. But it's especially for you if you're the parent of twins.
One of every thirty babies born today is a twin, although from 1915 until 1980 the ratio was closer to one in fifty. This rise in the twin birth rate has been attributed to an increase in fertility treatments, and also to the fact that older women are having more of the nation's babies, and older women give birth to twins more often than younger women.
This book is based on weekly notes I took from the time of my pregnancy until our sons were in college. I didn't want to write a "how to" book filled with facts tied with perfect ribbons or a manual full of bullet points. I also tried not to editorialize, over-interpret, or pretend that we knew what we were doing. That's the point: we didn't. In practice, it was almost all improvisation. We found that many child-rearing theories and cultural fairy tales proved inadequate to raising two children born on the same day, so we formed our own philosophy as we went. Most importantly, during this twenty-year true life adventure, we were brought back repeatedly to a reverence for individuality that is especially difficult for parents to encourage when they're overwhelmed with the logistics of raising twins.
Nodin Press. https://www.nodinpress.com/. 2015. 270 pgs. (Cover photos by Tom Pope).